In the movie Trading Places. Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd discover that two rich brothers have made a one dollar bet over their futures. I won't get into the subplot of Eddie Murphy being black and Dan Aykroyd being white as that is not point of this article.
The point is that George Soros and Arianna Huffington have some kind of alliance that wants to see Barack Obama win, at all costs to the democratic party. Barack Obama is actually a pretty good fellow on many levels.
I kind of see Barack Obama as a flim flam man underneath the hood, but I also see him as an intelligent man who can communicate with people. Barack also seems to be able to make a fine first impression, sort of like George Bush.
However, the truth is, and always will be, that Barack Obama's side cheated in the caucus states. Add to that the never ending attacks on the Clintons by too too many people in the media. Eventually, Fox NEWS started defending Hillary Clinton!
When one considers how popular the Clintons remain with the public we have to call this years democratic election a political coup spearheaded by George Soros on the East Coast, and Arianna Huffington on the West Coast.
A candidate like Hillary Clinton that can retain 50% of the popular vote while being attacked by so many entities IS THE STRONGER CANDIDATE. Now all that is left to do is find who out who George Soros made his One Dollar Bet with. Where is Rupert Murdoch when we need him?
How many Hi Profile Celebrity Pigs have lapped up the George Soros trough, Arianna?
I Believe That Bitch And Barack Obama Are One In The Same Person Only Changes Disguises When Soro's Order's Them To.Arriana Huffington Is A Closet Muslim,Listen To Her Conversation Very Closely,She Get's A Lot Of Her New's Article's From Al-Jazzera.It's My Opinion That the Muslim's,The Nation Of islam,I'll Never Capitalize That Word,Al-Quaeda,Al-Satyr,Hama's,Hezbollah,The Palestinian Liberation Organization,British Muslim Sanctuary's,All These Group's And More Are The One's That Really Behind The Support Of Barack Obama,Noone Else Has Any Reason To Want This Dumb Ass As President,It's Alway's What You Don't See,And Hear That What's Really Going On,Why Do You Think You Don't Have The Like's Of Farrakhan,Radical Muslim Organization,Oversea's Account's That Are Traced To The Obama People,He Even Has Some Here In America That Has Worked From Behind The Scene For Year's Now To get That Idiot Elected,But The Makeup Started Falling Off Early,That's When It Were Learned That Senator Clinton Were Being Forced To Concede The Nomination To Hussein.You People Who Support And Plan On Voting For Barack Hussein Obama,Just Remember This Aldolf Hitler Had Pretty Word's,Promises Of Change,A Better Way Of Life,A Reich That Would Last For Over 1,000 Year's,And The Night Of The Long Knives That Eliminated Hundreds If Not Thousand's Of His Own People,Don't Let Obama Become Our HITLER,You Say But He's So Cute,Who Care's,But He's So Honesty,Where Have You Been For The Last 17 Month's,But He's Not Like Washington Politics,Oh Yea,And How Do You Know This Because He Told You So,I Never Thought In A Million Year's That White America Would Be Supporting A Muslim That Say's He's Not,Come On People,January Of 2009 Is Going To Be To Late,My Remedy To You Disect This Frog While He's Still Alive.
The United States is more than white america. White america voted for Barack Obama, and african americans totally went for Barack Obama, so did Latinos.
Ironically, all three of those groups would have also supported Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton also had more donations from Middle America and would probably have been more beholden to helping middle america than Barack Obama appears to be.
Barack Obama seems more for Wall Street and community activists.
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