Besides the "Great 12 State Fiasco" in which Hillary Clinton wins 11 of 12 States and picks up 555 delegates while Barack Obama LOSES those same 11 of 12 states and picks ups 550 delegates, there is the Caucus Theft Caper in which Barack Obama doubles the amount of delegates Hillary Clinton gets even though polling shows in many of those caucus contests the two were a lot closer together in popularity, which now brings us to "The Charge of the Super Delegate Brigade".
Even with all the manipulation done to help Barack Obama eeke out a delegate victory over Hillary Clinton, did you know that if the Super Delegate numbers were simply switched, Hillary getting Barack's total, and Barack getting Hillary's total, Hillary Clinton would actually be the presumptive nominee.
So the reason this was not allowed to happen was because of the caucus contests, that clearly did nothing to accurately and fairly reflect the will of the voters in those states.
All I ask is that all caucus contests be revoted using a primary style of voting, and that these primaries be funded by the american military reducing their fuel consumption by 10% for just a couple of days. That's all it would take to pay for the revote.